What is the Dozee Weekly Report?

Dozee Weekly Report is a weekly overview of the sleep, recovery, and vitals statistics of a user. It is generated for all Dozee device users every Sunday using the data of the previous 7 days i.e. Sunday to Saturday. To generate a Dozee Weekly Report for a given week, users must use the Dozee device for at least 1 night in the given week. Dozee Weekly Report is available on the Dozee app and registered account email. Dozee Weekly Report can also be accessed by the caretaker profile on the Dozee app.

The Sleep Summary consists of the following summary statistics

  • Sleep with Dozee – The number of overnight sleep for which the user used Dozee
  • Average Sleep Score – Mean Dozee Sleep Score for the past week. It is calculated as the sum of all Dozee Sleep Scores of user’s overnight sleeps divided by the total number of overnight sleep with Dozee
    • Best Sleep Score – This is the best Dozee Sleep Score that a user achieved in the last week.
    • Average Sleep Duration – Mean Sleep Duration of overnight sleep in the past week. This is calculated using the effective sleep duration not taking into account awakenings, bed non-occupancy between your sleep time and bed-time.


At the bottom of each value, the number indicates the change when compared with the week before previous. In case of no change, no number will be present at the bottom.

The Sleep Summary section also consists of the individual sleep duration for the week. These values are color-coded on the basis of the Dozee Sleep Score for that sleep as shown below in the legend. Below it, the individual Dozee Sleep Scores of the previous week are represented graphically. To know more about Dozee Sleep Score, click here


Stress Recovery Summary

In this section, the Total % Recovery achieved against the Target Recovery of the week is represented graphically. For each day, the stacked graph represents the amount of recovery achieved by sleep and Dozee Relaxation sessions in separate colours. The horizontal dotted line on the graph indicates the average % Recovery for the week. It is calculated as the sum of all Recovery % values divided by the total number of days when Recovery is measured with Dozee.


A revised Target Recovery Score is determined based on the user’s age, gender, and last week’s achievements. An Ideal Healthy Range for the given demographic for comparison. To know more about Dozee Recovery Score, click here.


This section also gives the user personalized tips to “Boost your Recovery”. Based on the user’s sleep and relaxation patterns, the user gets personalized tips to improve their recovery score.

Vitals Summary

The Vitals Summary consists of the following summary statistics-
  • Average Heart Rate – The mean resting heart rate of the user across all nights of sleep recorded with Dozee device
  • Average Respiration Rate – The mean resting respiration rate of the user across all nights of sleep recorded with Dozee device
  • Average Stress Level – The mean stress level of the user across all nights of sleep recorded with Dozee device
  • Average Stress Recovery – The mean Recovery % achieved across all nights of sleep recorded with Dozee device. It is calculated as the sum of all Recovery % values divided by the total number of days when Recovery is measured with Dozee.


Relaxation Summary

The Relaxation Summary consists of the following summary statistics-

Session – The total number of Dozee Relaxation sessions performed in the week

  • Duration – The total time spent in the week on Dozee Relaxation sessions in the week
  • Total Meditation Recovery – The total Meditation Recovery achieved in the week due to Dozee Relaxation Sessions in the week.


At the bottom of each value, the number indicates the change when compared with the week before previous. In case of no change, no number will be present at the bottom.
To know more about Dozee Relaxation sessions click here
This section also consists of the blogs for the week that are handpicked by our experts on different topics related to data understanding, health, and general well-being.

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